Your app development environment

Before you can dive into creating your web application, you need to make sure you have the tools required.

Text editors

A solid text editor is the most crucial tool. There are several free text editors available, including:


Windows only

Mac only

These are not, of course, exhaustive lists.

Web developer tools

As you would expect, testing and debugging of your application will be done within the browser. You’ll want to snag a few handy developer tools for your browser. These tools will help with everything from the inspection and styling of visual elements of your app, to observing network traffic and debugging JavaScript. We strongly suggest you find a combination of tools that works for you, they can be a lifesaver.

Tools for Firefox users

Firefox has a lot of built-in developer tools; see the Tools->Web Developer submenu, learn more about Firefox developer tools, or look at the Tools page on MDN. Here are some useful Add-ons:

Tools for Google Chrome users

Additional resources can be added to your development environment as needed, but a text editor, browser, and developer tools will get you well on your way to creating a great web app!

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: riteshgaur, Syedfaisal, Sheppy, markg
 Last updated by: riteshgaur,