
The HTMLTemplateElement interface enables access to the contents of an HTML <template> element.


This interface inherits the properties of HTMLElement.

HTMLTemplateElement.contentRead only
DocumentFragment: Returns the <template> element's template contents.


This interface inherits the methods of HTMLElement.


Specification Status Comment
WHATWG HTML Living Standard
The definition of 'HTMLTemplateElement interface' in that specification.
Living Standard  
The definition of 'HTMLTemplateElement interface' in that specification.
Recommendation Initial definition

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 26 13 22 (22) No support 15 7.1
Feature Android Edge Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support ? (Yes) ? No support ? iOS 8

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sebastianz, sideshowbarker
 Last updated by: Sebastianz,