Firefox Accounts

Firefox Accounts (FxA) is an identity provider that provides authentication and user profile data for Mozilla cloud services. Over the long term we envision that non-Mozilla services and applications will also be able to delegate authentication to Firefox Accounts. The articles listed here will introduce FxA, the underllying technology, and demonstrate how to authenticate using FxA.

APIs attached to Firefox Accounts
As a FxA relier, after a user has logged in to her Firefox account with our OAuth 2.0 API, you can access a collection of APIs attached to the user's account. Many of these APIs are still works in progress.
Firefox Accounts OAuth Dashboard
FxA OAuth Credential Management Dashboard is a web application that lets you provision Firefox Accounts OAuth credentials. 
Firefox Accounts OAuth support for WebExtensions
This page will help you integrate your WebExtension with Firefox Accounts. Before beginning this process, make sure to read about the Firefox Accounts OAuth API.
Introduction to Firefox Accounts
Firefox Accounts (FxA) is an identity provider that provides authentication and user profile data for Mozilla cloud services.  We are also exploring the possibility of allowing non-Mozilla services to delegate authentication to Firefox Accounts.
UX Guidelines
A Firefox Account enables a wide variety of experiences. It is primarily used to connect devices (using Sync) but is also used to access websites (like Add-ons). Because users’ motivations to authentican will vary, the calls to action require accompanying context. At the same time, you should aim to be present these calls to actions consistently.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: kumar303, Sheppy
 Last updated by: kumar303,