Define your app's team members

This page is undergoing maintenance.

You can now define the member of the team creating and supporting the app.

  1. Click on the Team Members link on the left and add more app team members if required. These team members have access to the app's details as follows:
    • Owner — Can manage all aspects of the app's listing, including adding and removing other team members.
    • Developer — Can manage all aspects of the app's listing, except for adding and removing other team members.
    • Viewer — Can view the app's settings but cannot make any changes.

If on the Submit an App, Edit App Details page under How should we handle your app upon reviewer approval you selected the option Private and only visible to team members then any team member you enter on this page will be able to view your app's store listing. Team members will be able to see the app listed under My Submissions when logged into their Developer Hub account. For the app to be accessible, the team member's email address must match the email address they used to sign into Firefox Marketplace.

This is a useful option if, for example, you want to run a private testing program or make an app available to employees in a company or other limited group of people.


Important notes: You should check the listing preview to make sure icons and screenshots are loading ok, the developer name displays the way you want, and the description doesn’t contain typos or strange characters.

If your app requires an account, please provide login information for a test account that Marketplace staff can use.

Note: Maintaining the app shows some more useful details to help with pricing and refunds.

Your are now ready for the next step: Previewing your listing

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, rebloor
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,