Optimization ============ Performance can be significantly improved in different contexts by making small optimizations on the Dask graph before calling the scheduler. The ``dask.optimization`` module contains several functions to transform graphs in a variety of useful ways. In most cases, users won't need to interact with these functions directly, as specialized subsets of these transforms are done automatically in the Dask collections (``dask.array``, ``dask.bag``, and ``dask.dataframe``). However, users working with custom graphs or computations may find that applying these methods results in substantial speedups. In general, there are two goals when doing graph optimizations: 1. Simplify computation 2. Improve parallelism Simplifying computation can be done on a graph level by removing unnecessary tasks (``cull``), or on a task level by replacing expensive operations with cheaper ones (``RewriteRule``). Parallelism can be improved by reducing inter-task communication, whether by fusing many tasks into one (``fuse``), or by inlining cheap operations (``inline``, ``inline_functions``). Below, we show an example walking through the use of some of these to optimize a task graph. Example ------- Suppose you had a custom Dask graph for doing a word counting task: .. code-block:: python >>> def print_and_return(string): ... print(string) ... return string >>> def format_str(count, val, nwords): ... return (f'word list has {count} occurrences of ' ... f'{val}, out of {nwords} words') >>> dsk = {'words': 'apple orange apple pear orange pear pear', ... 'nwords': (len, (str.split, 'words')), ... 'val1': 'orange', ... 'val2': 'apple', ... 'val3': 'pear', ... 'count1': (str.count, 'words', 'val1'), ... 'count2': (str.count, 'words', 'val2'), ... 'count3': (str.count, 'words', 'val3'), ... 'format1': (format_str, 'count1', 'val1', 'nwords'), ... 'format2': (format_str, 'count2', 'val2', 'nwords'), ... 'format3': (format_str, 'count3', 'val3', 'nwords'), ... 'print1': (print_and_return, 'format1'), ... 'print2': (print_and_return, 'format2'), ... 'print3': (print_and_return, 'format3')} .. image:: images/optimize_dask1.png :width: 65 % :alt: The original dask graph Here we are counting the occurrence of the words ``'orange``, ``'apple'``, and ``'pear'`` in the list of words, formatting an output string reporting the results, printing the output, and then returning the output string. To perform the computation, we first remove unnecessary components from the graph using the ``cull`` function and then pass the Dask graph and the desired output keys to a scheduler ``get`` function: .. code-block:: python >>> from dask.threaded import get >>> from dask.optimization import cull >>> outputs = ['print1', 'print2'] >>> dsk1, dependencies = cull(dsk, outputs) # remove unnecessary tasks from the graph >>> results = get(dsk2, outputs) word list has 2 occurrences of apple, out of 7 words word list has 2 occurrences of orange, out of 7 words As can be seen above, the scheduler computed only the requested outputs (``'print3'`` was never computed). This is because we called the ``dask.optimization.cull`` function, which removes the unnecessary tasks from the graph. Culling is part of the default optimization pass of almost all collections. Often you want to call it somewhat early to reduce the amount of work done in later steps: .. code-block:: python >>> from dask.optimization import cull >>> outputs = ['print1', 'print2'] >>> dsk1, dependencies = cull(dsk, outputs) .. image:: images/optimize_dask2.png :width: 50 % :alt: After culling Looking at the task graph above, there are multiple accesses to constants such as ``'val1'`` or ``'val2'`` in the Dask graph. These can be inlined into the tasks to improve efficiency using the ``inline`` function. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> from dask.optimization import inline >>> dsk2 = inline(dsk1, dependencies=dependencies) >>> results = get(dsk2, outputs) word list has 2 occurrences of apple, out of 7 words word list has 2 occurrences of orange, out of 7 words .. image:: images/optimize_dask3.png :width: 40 % :alt: After inlining Now we have two sets of *almost* linear task chains. The only link between them is the word counting function. For cheap operations like this, the serialization cost may be larger than the actual computation, so it may be faster to do the computation more than once, rather than passing the results to all nodes. To perform this function inlining, the ``inline_functions`` function can be used: .. code-block:: python >>> from dask.optimization import inline_functions >>> dsk3 = inline_functions(dsk2, outputs, [len, str.split], ... dependencies=dependencies) >>> results = get(dsk3, outputs) word list has 2 occurrences of apple, out of 7 words word list has 2 occurrences of orange, out of 7 words .. image:: images/optimize_dask4.png :width: 30 % :alt: After inlining functions Now we have a set of purely linear tasks. We'd like to have the scheduler run all of these on the same worker to reduce data serialization between workers. One option is just to merge these linear chains into one big task using the ``fuse`` function: .. code-block:: python >>> from dask.optimization import fuse >>> dsk4, dependencies = fuse(dsk3) >>> results = get(dsk4, outputs) word list has 2 occurrences of apple, out of 7 words word list has 2 occurrences of orange, out of 7 words .. image:: images/optimize_dask5.png :width: 30 % :alt: After fusing Putting it all together: .. code-block:: python >>> def optimize_and_get(dsk, keys): ... dsk1, deps = cull(dsk, keys) ... dsk2 = inline(dsk1, dependencies=deps) ... dsk3 = inline_functions(dsk2, keys, [len, str.split], ... dependencies=deps) ... dsk4, deps = fuse(dsk3) ... return get(dsk4, keys) >>> optimize_and_get(dsk, outputs) word list has 2 occurrences of apple, out of 7 words word list has 2 occurrences of orange, out of 7 words In summary, the above operations accomplish the following: 1. Removed tasks unnecessary for the desired output using ``cull`` 2. Inlined constants using ``inline`` 3. Inlined cheap computations using ``inline_functions``, improving parallelism 4. Fused linear tasks together to ensure they run on the same worker using ``fuse`` As stated previously, these optimizations are already performed automatically in the Dask collections. Users not working with custom graphs or computations should rarely need to directly interact with them. These are just a few of the optimizations provided in ``dask.optimization``. For more information, see the API below. Rewrite Rules ------------- For context based optimizations, ``dask.rewrite`` provides functionality for pattern matching and term rewriting. This is useful for replacing expensive computations with equivalent, cheaper computations. For example, Dask Array uses the rewrite functionality to replace series of array slicing operations with a more efficient single slice. The interface to the rewrite system consists of two classes: 1. ``RewriteRule(lhs, rhs, vars)`` Given a left-hand-side (``lhs``), a right-hand-side (``rhs``), and a set of variables (``vars``), a rewrite rule declaratively encodes the following operation: ``lhs -> rhs if task matches lhs over variables`` 2. ``RuleSet(*rules)`` A collection of rewrite rules. The design of ``RuleSet`` class allows for efficient "many-to-one" pattern matching, meaning that there is minimal overhead for rewriting with multiple rules in a rule set. Example ~~~~~~~ Here we create two rewrite rules expressing the following mathematical transformations: 1. ``a + a -> 2*a`` 2. ``a * a -> a**2`` where ``'a'`` is a variable: .. code-block:: python >>> from dask.rewrite import RewriteRule, RuleSet >>> from operator import add, mul, pow >>> variables = ('a',) >>> rule1 = RewriteRule((add, 'a', 'a'), (mul, 'a', 2), variables) >>> rule2 = RewriteRule((mul, 'a', 'a'), (pow, 'a', 2), variables) >>> rs = RuleSet(rule1, rule2) The ``RewriteRule`` objects describe the desired transformations in a declarative way, and the ``RuleSet`` builds an efficient automata for applying that transformation. Rewriting can then be done using the ``rewrite`` method: .. code-block:: python >>> rs.rewrite((add, 5, 5)) (mul, 5, 2) >>> rs.rewrite((mul, 5, 5)) (pow, 5, 2) >>> rs.rewrite((mul, (add, 3, 3), (add, 3, 3))) (pow, (mul, 3, 2), 2) The whole task is traversed by default. If you only want to apply a transform to the top-level of the task, you can pass in ``strategy='top_level'`` as shown: .. code-block:: python # Transforms whole task >>> rs.rewrite((sum, [(add, 3, 3), (mul, 3, 3)])) (sum, [(mul, 3, 2), (pow, 3, 2)]) # Only applies to top level, no transform occurs >>> rs.rewrite((sum, [(add, 3, 3), (mul, 3, 3)]), strategy='top_level') (sum, [(add, 3, 3), (mul, 3, 3)]) The rewriting system provides a powerful abstraction for transforming computations at a task level. Again, for many users, directly interacting with these transformations will be unnecessary. Keyword Arguments ----------------- Some optimizations take optional keyword arguments. To pass keywords from the compute call down to the right optimization, prepend the keyword with the name of the optimization. For example, to send a ``keys=`` keyword argument to the ``fuse`` optimization from a compute call, use the ``fuse_keys=`` keyword: .. code-block:: python def fuse(dsk, keys=None): ... x.compute(fuse_keys=['x', 'y', 'z']) Customizing Optimization ------------------------ Dask defines a default optimization strategy for each collection type (Array, Bag, DataFrame, Delayed). However, different applications may have different needs. To address this variability of needs, you can construct your own custom optimization function and use it instead of the default. An optimization function takes in a task graph and list of desired keys and returns a new task graph: .. code-block:: python def my_optimize_function(dsk, keys): new_dsk = {...} return new_dsk You can then register this optimization class against whichever collection type you prefer and it will be used instead of the default scheme: .. code-block:: python with dask.config.set(array_optimize=my_optimize_function): x, y = dask.compute(x, y) You can register separate optimization functions for different collections, or you can register ``None`` if you do not want particular types of collections to be optimized: .. code-block:: python with dask.config.set(array_optimize=my_optimize_function, dataframe_optimize=None, delayed_optimize=my_other_optimize_function): ... You do not need to specify all collections. Collections will default to their standard optimization scheme (which is usually a good choice). API --- .. currentmodule:: dask.optimization **Top level optimizations** .. autosummary:: cull fuse inline inline_functions **Utility functions** .. autosummary:: functions_of **Rewrite Rules** .. currentmodule:: dask.rewrite .. autosummary:: RewriteRule RuleSet Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: dask.optimization .. autofunction:: cull .. autofunction:: fuse .. autofunction:: inline .. autofunction:: inline_functions .. autofunction:: functions_of .. currentmodule:: dask.rewrite .. autofunction:: RewriteRule .. autofunction:: RuleSet