Apache Struts 2 Documentation > Home > Security Bulletins > S2-011


Long request parameter names might significantly promote the effectiveness of DOS attacks

Who should read this All Struts 2 developers
Impact of vulnerability Denial-of-Service attacks
Maximum security rating Important
Recommendation Developers should upgrade to Struts
Affected Software Struts 2.0.0 - Struts 2.3.4
Original JIRA Tickets WW-3860
Reporter Johno Crawford
CVE Identifier CVE-2012-4387


Request parameters handled by Struts 2 are effectively treated as OGNL expressions. A possible DOS attacker might craft requests to a Struts 2 based application with extremely long parameter names. OGNL evaluation of the parameter name then will consume significant CPU cycles, thus promoting the effectiveness of the DOS attack.


As of Struts, parameter name length is limited to a maximum of 100 characters. This configuration may be customized by providing the newly introduced parameter "paramNameMaxLength" to the ParametersInteceptor configuration.

Thanks to Johno Crawford for the provided patch.

Please upgrade to Struts